Saturday, February 27, 2010

and so it snows again

We have been bombarded by multiple snow storms and this time it gave us a whopping 2 feet, yes, 2 feet.  It was called a snowicane because it was a snowstorm that formed like a hurricane.  First time I have ever heard of such a thing, let alone known it to happen in the northeast.   This is the most snow my little guy James has ever seen.  It was too funny to see him trying to walk through it sinking with each step.  The kids even dragged the cat out to enjoy the fluffy stuff.  He willingly walked around with them and then decided he had enough by meowing with a plead.  It was so funny.  He thinks he's people.
Of course, our snow blower died and my hubby and I were out there shoveling multiple times.  I decided to shovel the driveway for him before he came home from work on the first day and boy did I feel it later.  Who needs a gym when you have all this snow?  I think I got a more intense workout in the snow.
The kids had a ball having a snowball fight with Mom and Dad.  It's been a long time since I had a snow ball fight and we sure did giggle.  The kids thought it was awesome that we were in the snow right along with them.  You can't ever be too old to have fun in the snow.
Now we are waiting for another snow storm for possibly Wednesday.  If it brings us as much joy as this one did, then I say bring it on!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

As A Mom...

As a Mom, we are often pulled in many directions.  As a Mom, we want to absorb all the hurt for our Children.  As a Mom, we need to be strong, no matter how weak we feel inside.  As a Mom, we will never sleep at night the way we did before we had children.  As a Mom, I thank God everyday for the blessings He has given to me. 
I write this today, because I have been up with my daughter Elizabeth for most of the night.  She is sick with a stomach virus that just has not given her a chance to rest.   She finally fell asleep sometime around 4 or 5am. I felt so helpless as she ran to the toilet several times through out the night.   Although I was so exhausted I couldn't even see, I was awake talking to her every time she got up.  As a Mom, God gave me my strength last night.
Meanwhile, today happens to be the 100th day celebration for my son James plus his Valentine's Day party this afternoon.  When I explained to him that I might not be able to go with him to school for the 100th day, he cried hysterically for about 20 minutes.  He is my last one and I have not missed any 100 days for the other 2 kids.  He was feeling shorted and I was feeling guilty that I might miss it.    As a Mom,  I was being torn in half. 
In the end, I was able to leave Elizabeth for the hour(I was less than 5 minutes away) to take James to his celebration and Elizabeth called me on my cell phone every 20 minutes just to let me know she was ok.  James was so happy and even the other kids that were in my group all gave me hugs.  As a Mom, I had to make tough decisions.  As a Mom, I am grateful for cell phones. 
There are many things we do As Moms, but for me, As a Mom, I have the 3 best kids a Mom could ever ask for.  As a Mom, this is a job I will never take a career change from.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I spent most of my morning trying to get 20 ebay packages ready to ship, since we are supposed to get over a foot of snow, and watching the movie Julie/Julia.  As I watched this movie, I was constantly reminded of my grandmother (Babushka) Anya.  A perfectionist, strong, knowledgeable, worldly woman that I miss everyday.  I remember watching Julia Child cooking episodes with her and watching her absorb her cooking know how and applying it to the things she made.  I'm not sure if she liked watching her for her expertise or that it reminded her of her time in France and the experiences she had there.
My mother was born in Sans, France during the time that my family escaped Russia during the communist movement.  They arrived there with a small child and another on the way(my mom).  They didn't have any family there, didn't speak the language, no place to live or a job.  They worked hard in the fields and then my grandmother came home to make dinner and keep house.  Modern woman in the making.
I sometimes wonder how she stayed so strong.  Her house was always tidy and organized.  She made home cooked meals every single day, and never took a vacation(except for the time she came to Atlanta to see me graduate from Chiropractic College when I was 27 years old), and loved life to the fullest.  She taught me how to garden, about our Russian traditions, food,  Russian music and dances, but most of all devotion to God.
My grandparents moved to the US when my Mom was 5 years old.  They were the cornerstones of the Russian population that began an Orthodox Church here.  No matter the monetary struggle, they always gave to the Church, and honored God in their daily life.  My grandfather Peter never began a meal, went to bed, or got in the car without a prayer.  I often get so busy in life that I forget to do this, but he never did.
I guess my whole purpose of todays entry is that I am striving everyday to be a better Christian, wife, and mother and trying to find the balance that my grandmother had and it isn't as easy as she made it seem.  So my inspiration for today is to continue to cook, clean and do laundry with a smile on my face and pray that someday my kids will be as thankful to me as I am to my Grandmother and Mother.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Battle

I was sitting here contemplating how 3 not so big kids can possibly make so much laundry. It seems that I do oodles of loads and never seam to be able to say that I am caught up. The battle with laundry is a never ending one. I had my whole day planned out and one look at that hamper changed the entire outlook. That poor pantry just keeps getting pushed to the bottom of the list. I wonder if it is just me that wants so badly to be able to stay on a regimen at the gym but feel I can't devote that hour because that's one less hour trying to clean up this joint. I can get to the gym at around 9 am and no matter how short a workout, its 10:30 before I get back. Motivation I have, time I don't. There's got to be a better way.
My hubby had to go on an out-of-town trip this morning and we're not sure if the job will get done today which means he may possibly need to spend the night. I really don't mind when he goes on a trip, what I do miss, besides his company in the evenings, is the giant help he is getting the kids to all their activities. I actually dread the schedule. This really helps me to appreciate him all the more. With Valentines Day around the corner it got me thinking that I need to shower him with my love and appreciation. I'm not big on buying useless gifts, but I am at a loss as to what that perfect gift might be. Some more research is absolutely necessary. Lobster and steak are on sale this week. The old adage: The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, instantly comes to mind.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Running Behind

So I was not able to get to my blog yesterday since at the last minute I was called in to sub at one of the other elementary schools in our area. My wonderful hubby agreed to go into work late so that I can go to work and he could put the kids on the bus. It was all day assignment and by the time I got home, made dinner, and helped with homework, I was too tired to blog. Today was another busy one, hence, the late evening post. I spent all morning at the school doing PTA stuff and then tried to hit the grocery store before the shelves were bare. We are supposed to have a snow storm which = you will never be able to get food ever again! I was only going to get 2 cans of beans I needed to make tonights dinner... White Chicken Chili! It was so delicious and probably one of the easiest meals I ever made. 5 ingredients and Throw it all in the pot and ready in 20 minutes. No chopping involved.
On my last post I was gung-ho to declutter my pantry and organize myself so that I wasn't continuously buying groceries that we already had and preplanning our menu. That, did not happen. I was all ready to start and suddenly felt a little funny. I'll save you from the details but the rest of my day was spent very close to the bathroom. I am going to try to organize the pantry tomorrow if the snow hits and we are in for the weekend. Pictures are a great idea for before and after and I will post them once I am all done.
I am actually looking forward to a snow storm that makes us all homebound for a day or two. It seems like we have hectic schedules every weekend for the next several weeks and to get a weekend off sounds good to me. I'm wearing my pajamas to bed inside out in hopes of snow. Let's see if we are so lucky.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Delayed start

Before I went to bed last night, the phone call came in that we would have a delayed opening. The snow that had been falling, was starting to stick and by morning the report said, "we would have a messy commute". I for one, love delayed openings. We get to sleep in and the kids get to go to school. Its a beautiful thing.
Visiting with my children over a longer breakfast gives them a sense of peace. They are calmer and they begin their day without all the hurried craziness that goes along with: swallow breakfast, get dressed, brush teeth and hair and jump on the bus. My oldest, Victoria, began middle school this year and with that comes an earlier bus schedule. This, at first was a nightmare. The first day of school the bus was 2 hours late. Yes, 2 hours late. Every other day the bus driver gets here whenever she feels like it, anywhere from 20 minutes early to right on time. We put the Kabosh on that. Now I see her hanging out down the street until it is closer to our bus pick up time. The only blessing is that it is in front of our house.
I bring that up because it comes back to organization. Although I am pretty organized on this part of the routine, I feel there is always room for improvement. I wake up and as soon as I come down stairs, gather their lunches Monday thru Thursday. They are allowed to buy pizza from school on Friday's. I am a big fan of making my own lunch meats. Never been crazy about all the chemicals they put in deli stuff so I usually roast extra chicken or make a bigger roast beef. The kids actually love it and eat it better. Again, it requires the right kind of planning. This week was not successful and we needed to buy our deli meats. This brings me back to the meal planning thing again.
Couldn't I have a prep kitchen and a clean up crew? That would make my life so simple. Last week I went to the Martha Stewart show and there had to be at least 10 people in her prep kitchen and 10 people that cleaned up after every meal, craft or move she made. Today's challenge is going to be to pull out every food item I have in the cabinets and pantry and organize it into groups. The video I watched about organizing pantries says to group your food in the type it is. Cereals, pastas, etc. I have so many plastic containers and a label maker ready to go. Stay tuned to see how successful this will be.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A new day

Today I was inspired by my very dear friend to begin a blog. Hopefully with my daily journal or close to daily as I can get, others will be inspired to organize their life. I am a mom of 3 very active kids. Rarely are we home on any given evening just enjoying each other's company. In a way, I am glad that my children are fortunate enough to participate in their favorite activities and on the other hand, I am beginning to realize how quickly our days are flying by. Soon they won't want to sit around with Mom and Dad on the couch and just relax. There will be boyfriends/girlfriends, mall trips without me, doing their own hair, etc. I want to savour every moment and not feel like a big bundle of disorganization. With that said, I am going to begin my organizing with figuring out a week's worth of dinner menu. I have always flown by the seat of my pants with this one and have been blessed with the knowledge to be able to whip something up spur of the moment. This however, stresses me out!
There are so many websites out there that help one plan their menu's. I like to mix it up and so I tried a few different ones. Tonight I will be making fillet mignon since it was on sale $3.99/lb and it is ready to go(unfrozen). Side dishes are always a challenge since my oldest hates rice and my middle hates mashed potatoes. Thank you Lord, that my youngest loves everything!
Tomorrow I will be making Chicken Mole. Big fan of Rachael Ray and even more so after we (my family and I) appeared on her show in December. She is a very warm, charming person and has so many wonderful dinner ideas. I have been making her food every night for the last week. My favorite was the Chicken Parm Pasta Toss-25 minutes from prep to table. Love it!
Thursday looks like a good day for slow cooking. Crockpot Thai chicken might hit the spot.
Friday-beef stroganof
Saturday-maybe Chili
Sunday-Superbowl Sunday-a delicious taco ring made from crescent rolls. Taking this to a friends house for the big game.
Meanwhile I will keep researching to see what fits best into our schedule. Stay tuned my next challenge will be trying to figure out how much we actually spend on groceries every week...yikes!