Monday, February 8, 2010

The Battle

I was sitting here contemplating how 3 not so big kids can possibly make so much laundry. It seems that I do oodles of loads and never seam to be able to say that I am caught up. The battle with laundry is a never ending one. I had my whole day planned out and one look at that hamper changed the entire outlook. That poor pantry just keeps getting pushed to the bottom of the list. I wonder if it is just me that wants so badly to be able to stay on a regimen at the gym but feel I can't devote that hour because that's one less hour trying to clean up this joint. I can get to the gym at around 9 am and no matter how short a workout, its 10:30 before I get back. Motivation I have, time I don't. There's got to be a better way.
My hubby had to go on an out-of-town trip this morning and we're not sure if the job will get done today which means he may possibly need to spend the night. I really don't mind when he goes on a trip, what I do miss, besides his company in the evenings, is the giant help he is getting the kids to all their activities. I actually dread the schedule. This really helps me to appreciate him all the more. With Valentines Day around the corner it got me thinking that I need to shower him with my love and appreciation. I'm not big on buying useless gifts, but I am at a loss as to what that perfect gift might be. Some more research is absolutely necessary. Lobster and steak are on sale this week. The old adage: The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, instantly comes to mind.


  1. I really love the way you wrote this, Natasha. You have a nice way of expressing your thoughts.

    I think the first step to change, whatever that change might be, is to recognize that you actually need it. That's a step you have definitely taken. Keep plugging away at figuring out the best way to do things for your family and take one step at a time. I don't know if you remember me talking incessantly about Flylady, but she helped me to get a hold of things at home a while back. The website is flylady dot net. I didn't put the exact website so that you don't get traffic here on a google search or something.

    So if the pantry is put aside another day or two, that's ok. At least you are getting some laundry done.

    Shower your man with all the love and appreciation he deserves. Doesn't it feel good when you do that?

  2. Hi Natasha...welcome to the blogosphere. I found you through Carol's blog. I'm an American who was living in England too and we found each other thru our blogs....hoping I get to meet her in person one day. I'd love to see some pics she says you have of the two of you in the 80's.

    I started my blog about a year ago and it has been lots of fun and a wonderful support network for me. Hoping you find the same!

  3. Just dropped by from Carol's blog. I have joined to follow and look forward to getting to know you.
    Blessings, andrea

  4. Dropping by from Carol's blog too. You are such a great writer. I love the quoted old adage....

    Coming back to read and learn more adage:)


  5. Followed a link on Carol's blog to yours and I look forward to getting to know you a little bit through your blog. Hopping on as a follower.

  6. Hello! Found you from Carol's blog. Welcome to the world of blogging! I started mine this summer-it has been fun!

    Oh, and I hate laundry.
    For it is never finished.

  7. Carol sent me over to say hi. I have three children too...I wonder about the laundry as is a mystery. Good food on sale is always a bonus. The way to my hubs heart is doritoes. LOl

  8. Hello--Carol sent me this way. I understand your laundry issues--I have 6 children--I can't figure out if they make more laundry or more trash??? Keep up the great blogging. I'll be checking back. julie :)
